I am originally from Mexico but was raised in California (my whole life!) I'm wife to Stevan and mother to Michael. I became a first time mom at 31 years old and a Stay at Home Mom to boot! I vaguely remember helping my mother with my three younger brothers, but that seems like eons ago. All of this is new to me, which is why I decided to document (when I can remember) about this new life in Mommy hood.
I don't bake. I've tried and have always burned, missed an ingredient or two, or just end up cursing whatever monstrosity comes out of the oven. This doesn't mean that cooking is off limits since I can cook pretty well. Usually comes out delicious if I may say so myself. As mentioned, baking is my enemy, but this doesn't mean that I still won't keep trying and quite possibly will post it on here.
I'm not a DIYer or a crafty lady whatsoever. I'm too lazy for that, but I do admire those who do it and wish so hard that I could do it. Don't tell me "just get off your butt and do it!" because even when I try to do something remotely crafty, it just sucks.
I'm not as pessimistic as I sound. I'm actually quite the opposite. I'm a dreamer and a believer. I try hard to look for the silver linings in things because sometimes you just have to. Besides, I'd rather laugh when things get tough than cry. Laughing is so much more attractive.
This is us. Husband Stevan, Michael, and me--Analilia. Our story goes somewhat like this....
I met Stevan in 2003. He's about 2 1/2 years younger than I am. I'm a cougar you know?! I met him through a friend I met in college. A hot air balloon ride proposal later and we wed in 2005. October seems to be our month since we began dating then, engaged then, and also married then. About five years later and we learned that we were pregnant and expecting our first child, Michael Anthony.We all call Sacramento, California our home.

So you see, I'm a simple girl. An every day girl. Basically your girl next door just trying to learn to bake at home and raising this little charming prince of a monster.
Email me at: ride.the.spiral@icloud.com