May 2- Mid Week Confessions.

Time to confess! I bet you my mother wishes I visited the booth in our church for my confessions as much as I confess on here. Ha!



- My husband has shift changes every few weeks. Some weeks they alternate at work and others they just stick to the same shift for a few weeks before switching. When he has a swing shift, I’m at home taking care of Michael and doing the bedtime routines alone. After all is said and done with bedtime routines, it’s time for dinner for me. More often than not, I have popcorn for dinner. I don’t like making a dinner for 1, so popcorn does the trick.


- I want to cut my hair. I mean, I really want to chop off my hair. It’s at my waist line. I admit, I love the way it looks when it’s straight and flowing so freely, but when it’s the prep time that really annoys me. It takes me almost an hour to blow dry and use whatever heat technique to obtain whatever style: curly vs straight, for the day. Then, it gets somewhat nappy when I blow dry it… not fun! Its annoying to maintain, why haven’t I cut it off? I think for some odd reason I want my husband’s blessing. I know it’s literally up to me since I will be the one who will do the upkeep, but I kinda want to hear, “Go for it! I know you’ll look great.” That and I’ve had it long for forever and am chicken.


-I finally started packing! I don’t quite know what’s going where and when I will need it or what’s going on, but I am packing! Maybe I’ll just put everything in a box and then figure it out?


- I saw “Burlesque” for the first time yesterday and you know what? I kind of like it. Ha! Guilty Pleasure? Maybe. ;)


- I decided to restart my Photo Challenge for the month. So take a looksie? I won’t post them on here, but they are on the blog here.