This is called the "Seven Series." I came across it here.

1. Greece
2. Italy
3. Ireland.
4. Japan
5. Russia
6. Carribean
7. New York

1. Chocolate Chip Cookies from scratch!
2. a dress
3. a sand castle
4. our own vegetable garden
5. baby food
6. a photo book
7. a tree house

1. Audrey Hepburn
2. Christopher Reeves
3. Maynard James Keenan, but longer than 10 minutes!!
4. Lady Gaga.
5. Manny Pacquiao
6. Neil Patrick Harris
7. Jason Segel

1. A house
2. a second car
3. a nice savings account
4. a classic chic wardrobe
5. a nice collection of handbags
6. a nice collection of make-up
7. a nice collection of shoes.
what?! I'm a girl!

1. open cupboards
2.clothes on the floor
3. toothpaste and water all over the bathroom counter
4. flakers
5. not disciplining their children because it's "okay! she's cute!"
6. empty dirty glassware not in the sink.
7. no toilet paper on the dispenser.

1. First 3 of the Superman Anthology.
2. Lion King!
3. The Little Mermaid
4. Pretty in Pink
5. The Breakfast Club
6. Rocky Anthology
7. Grand Torino.

1. Waking up to Michael's cooing
2. Michael's smile.
3. a "just because" gesture
4. dessert dates
5. family time
6. dates
7. doing something from my childhood as an adult

1. Creep- Radiohead
2. Freebird- Lynard Skynard
3. The Noose- A Perfect Circle
4. Billy Jean - Michael Jackson
5. 90's music
6. Gangsta's Paradise -Coolio
7. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen

1. spoon
2. waffle
3. consipicous (I can't say it regularly, I have to slow down when I do)
4. wristwatch
5. cake
6. nincompoop
7. dweeb

1. Greece
2. Italy
3. Ireland.
4. Japan
5. Russia
6. Carribean
7. New York

1. Chocolate Chip Cookies from scratch!
2. a dress
3. a sand castle
4. our own vegetable garden
5. baby food
6. a photo book
7. a tree house

1. Audrey Hepburn
2. Christopher Reeves
3. Maynard James Keenan, but longer than 10 minutes!!
4. Lady Gaga.
5. Manny Pacquiao
6. Neil Patrick Harris
7. Jason Segel

1. A house
2. a second car
3. a nice savings account
4. a classic chic wardrobe
5. a nice collection of handbags
6. a nice collection of make-up
7. a nice collection of shoes.
what?! I'm a girl!

1. open cupboards
2.clothes on the floor
3. toothpaste and water all over the bathroom counter
4. flakers
5. not disciplining their children because it's "okay! she's cute!"
6. empty dirty glassware not in the sink.
7. no toilet paper on the dispenser.

1. First 3 of the Superman Anthology.
2. Lion King!
3. The Little Mermaid
4. Pretty in Pink
5. The Breakfast Club
6. Rocky Anthology
7. Grand Torino.

1. Waking up to Michael's cooing
2. Michael's smile.
3. a "just because" gesture
4. dessert dates
5. family time
6. dates
7. doing something from my childhood as an adult

1. Creep- Radiohead
2. Freebird- Lynard Skynard
3. The Noose- A Perfect Circle
4. Billy Jean - Michael Jackson
5. 90's music
6. Gangsta's Paradise -Coolio
7. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen

1. spoon
2. waffle
3. consipicous (I can't say it regularly, I have to slow down when I do)
4. wristwatch
5. cake
6. nincompoop
7. dweeb