Wordless Wednesday + Tidbits + Freebie


- I hate lunch time. All I eat are burgers. Why not take lunch to work Lily? There's no microwave and I don't eat much "cold" food. So every once in a while I will, but it's mainly take out.

-I just showed my boss my ballerina picture from the 80's for one Halloween.
The tassels on my mini breasts, the blue eyeshadow, and red lipstick...
Need I say more?
- I am eagerly excited for my second Ipsy Glam Bag. I signed up in May and received my June one.
I fell in love with it. Now I can't wait for July's. It should be here by Saturday or early next week.

-I am so sleepy. I already had some coffee to wake me up but it's not doing the trick. 
Hopefully a little more caffeine during lunch will help. 
No more Benadryl for night time help.

-- and just for fun:
** FREE Movie Alert **
Free is always fun!
This code is ONLY good for today only!
FREE Redbox 1-Night DVD Rental
Code: LN885GHP
 What movie did you get?
(I just ordered "Identity Thief")