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Summer is here (it’s currently 102*degrees here) and that means swimming, bbq’s, carnivals, concerts in the park, and Orange is the New Black Season 3 premier (am I right?) I’ve been waiting for OITNB since news broke out of the premier date. I started watching OITNB earlier this year when I finally gave in and binged watched the first two seasons. Then BAM! Season three. I took my time with this one and so glad I did. Everyone I knew watched the entire third season in one day—I took my time. I have my opinions about this season, but I won’t spoil it for those who haven’t watched it or are still watching. However, here’s a list of the Do’s and Don’ts from your favorite celebs on binge watching your favorite show: Link.
I’ve also started Snapchatting. Oh yes, that devious app has gotten the best of me. So if have it and want to add me (I’ll add you too if you let me know that you’ve done so,) my username is: Lily-inthesky.
So, I’m rambling. I have no where really to go with this post, but that’s okay. And since I am rambling with randomness, here are some random pictures to add because who doesn’t love visuals. Am I right?
I’ve also started Snapchatting. Oh yes, that devious app has gotten the best of me. So if have it and want to add me (I’ll add you too if you let me know that you’ve done so,) my username is: Lily-inthesky.
So, I’m rambling. I have no where really to go with this post, but that’s okay. And since I am rambling with randomness, here are some random pictures to add because who doesn’t love visuals. Am I right?
Today at our local park. It has wading pools for free!
Hanging out in his Buzz Light Year Ship tent.
My husband getting ready to fight his first boxing match.
My husband and I on Father’s Day just hanging out.