Groupons + Roller Skating + Stitches = Coolest Date Ever!

rollerskating3Ever see a movie and love it? Ever have a favorite scene and want to recreate it? Well that favorite movie is “Rocky.” And that favorite scene is the one where Rocky Balboa take Adrienne out on a date to an ice skating rink. Since my husband is a huge boxing fan, Rocky is one of his favorite love stories (yep, it’s a love story.) Plus he also wanted to recreate that infamous date scene, but since we are in the middle of summer, ice rinks don’t exist around here. The alternative? Roller Skating!!


Stevan had received a Groupon deal for roller skating for two with sodas and pizza. Perfect! Right? So he buys the offer and pins it on our board (we have a board where we write notes to each other.) I see the offer the next day and think “Awe! What a sweetie!” Plans are set for this past Sunday and he also took time to find a sitter! Husband of the year!! So off we go to a roller skating date…


Let’s go back a few years (like two decades or so. Ha!) and let me point out that I used to rollerblade when rollerblading was AWESOME DUDE! I loved it! I even rollerbladed a bit in my teen years in the mid-late 90’s. So I guess it’s safe to say, I’m ready for the roller derbies. Ha ha! Now that I pointed that out, let’s get back to our date….


Stevan was scared of letting go of the wall for fear of falling. I gave him some confidence by telling him to just do a little at a time. Before you know it, he was letting go. Now, twenty minutes into our date and a disco set later, I bit it. I hit the floor bad! After falling flat on my face (yes my face!) I got up and began skating again. Stevan headed back towards me (he was ahead of me) and by that time, I discovered blood gushing down from my chin. Surely I had scraped myself. I headed to the bathroom to clean up and that’s when I found I had split open my chin. Bone was peaking through. Off to Urgent Care we went and three stitches later—Coolest Date ever!


PS. If you want to see what laid underneath the bandage and what it looks like now, click the above picture.