I've been out of the loop for the past few weeks and figured it was time for an update. So here you go, in instagram form.
Top left: Hanging out at Target is one of our favorite past times. Which is something we do quite often.
Top right: Michael playing with the selfie camera on my iphone while we wait at the doctor's office for routine check up.
Bottom left: On Saturday, degrees were in the 112* range. What better way too cool off, right?
Bottom right: My little book worm.
Top left: Steve and I love thrifting and we almost bought this. How fun!
Top right: This is what the discount for the week at our local and famous thift store.
Bottom left: I saw this comforter at a store that just opened up. Totally in love,
Bottom right: I caught Michael about to eat a dog treat and reciting "Cookie!"
There you have it folks. My week.