Review: Vapor Raz Raz Baby



RazBaby Vapor Raz Clip & Pacifier Holder

(It comes with two pads that release the calming scent of Eucalyptus & Menthol. All you do is add the pad and clip it on baby’s clothes. The clip has a strap for a pacifier if your baby uses one. Each aromatic pad lasts up to 8 hours!)

Michael is sick. Actually we both are. Steve is the only one immune to whatever bugs have been going around lately, which is okay since he is the one who has to go to work every day.  Michael has been coughing and is quite congested which means that this mama doesn’t sleep well either at night. The humidifier is doing a decent job, but we thought he needed more “help” with his congestion (no sleep for Michael or I these past two nights.) I had noticed the RazBaby Raz Clip earlier last week and thought, “Huh! That sounds like a good idea! Maybe we’ll try that out next time Michael gets sicks.” Lo-and –behold, he did earlier this week. I kinda blame it on being outside all day Saturday at a birthday party when the weather was yucky outside. Back to the RazBaby. Tonight is the first night of us using it and am hoping that it helps with Michaels breathing, hopefully this and the humidifier do wonders tonight.  So wish us luck tonight and plenty of Zzzs! I’ll add a wee little update to how our night went with the RazBaby.

Here are more details to the RazBaby Vapor Raz--


It’s 100% safe and effective and easy to use.

Refills to the pads are also available (our local Walgreens sells 4 refill pads for $5.99)


So we tried it for two days and two nights. I have to say that this works pretty well. It kept all of his mucus away while he wore it. I love the fact that it’s not so gooey and messy like the stuff from the jar. Plus it’s portable! I’ll definitely be using this again if/when we need it.